Virginia Deaths 1897-1912
ALLEN, Olivia E.(Mrs.)-W, May 3 in Richmond city, age 51
ANDERSON, Julia Bell-AA, July 9 in Richmond city, age 19
ASHTON, James, September 3 in King George Co., age 44
AXSELL, William-W, September 8 in Henrico Co., age about 51

BAHEN, Thomas(Mrs.), August
BAILEY, Elias-W, May 4 in Page Co., age 104
BAKER, George M.-W, November 4 in Winchester, age 40, cancer of the stomach
BARLOW, Bettie L.(Mrs. Robert D.)-W, August 26 in Richmond city, age about 49
BARR, James W., September 4 in Winchester, age 63, heart failure
BARRETT, Florence(nee Kennan)-W, March 18 in Clarke Co., apoplexy
BASS, Agatha Ann, September 1 in Richmond city, age 85
BALE, Charles A.-W, July 5 in Leesburg, Loudoun Co., age about 50
BEARD, Robert Washington-W, April 19 , age 16, killed by a falling tree
BELLAMY, Jim, September 3 in Smithfield, shot and killed by Jesse Hester
BINFORD, Frances-AA, November 4 in Richmond city
BINN, Mary (Mrs. Thomas)-W, January 21 in Manchester, age about 50
BIRDSONG, Lucy Moore-W, January 14 in Petersburg, age 5
BLAIR, Capt. Frank S.-W, January 14, age 59, lung trouble and grip
BOLLING, Judge William H.-W, July 6 in Wytheville, apoplexy, age about 64
BONNEU, Capt. Francis-W, July in Roanoke
BOOKER, Ethel Van-W, March 24 in Henrico Co., age 10 months, 24 days
BRAMLETT, Susan(nee Hoffman)(Mrs. BenjaminF.)-W, May 9 in Bedford Co., age about 63
BROCK, Ann D.-W, July in Chesterfield Co., age 63
BROUGHMAN, Mary A.-W, June 30, suicide by hanging
BROWN, R. G.(female)-AA, January 12 in Richmond city, age about 40
BURGESS, Mary H.(Mrs. John A.)-W, July
BURKE, Charlotte(Mrs. Hiram)-W, July 2 in Bedford Co., age about 65, consumption
BURNETT, Martha "Aunt Martha"(Mrs. Billy)-AA, July 1 in Richmond city
BURRUSS, Pearl E.-W, May 13 in Richmond city, age 9

CANNADAY, William A.-W, June 29 in Salem, age 80
CARY, Lucretia-AA, July 17 in Portsmouth
CHAMBLIN, Octavia(Mrs. James H.)-W, July 1 in Leesburg, Loudoun Co., age 86
CHRISTIAN, Anna E.(Mrs. P. H.)(nee Taliaferro), September 4 in Roanoke, age 47, typhoid fever
CLARKE, Thomas E.-W, July 3 in Richmond city
COLEMAN, George W.-W, January 12 in Petersburg
COLLIER, Charles F.-W, June in Petersburg
CORNETT, Virginia C.-W, July 2 in Richmond city, age 54
COSBY, Ross M.-October 31, age 34
CRUMP, Anna M.(Mrs. Emmett)-W, May 7 in Richmond city

DARRACOTT, Bruce Fauntleroy, August 31 in Hanover Co.
DIXON, Mrs.  Joan(nee Douglas)-W, July 11
DONNAN, Walter C.-W, January 4 in Petersburg, age 41
DRAPER, George Nelson-W, April 22 in Montvale, age about 58, paralysis

ELEY, Susannah J.(nee White)(Mrs. Samuel)-W, July 6 in Suffolk, age 77
ELLIOTT, Sarah(Mrs. John)(nee Walsh)-W, January 13 in Richmond city, age 75
ELSTON, H. P.-W, September in Richmond city, age about 60

FARGO, Minnie-ML, July in Newport News
FIFE, Mary E.(Mrs. William J.)-W, July 5 in Charlottesville
FURCRON, Bettie F.-W, July 2, age about 53

GANTT, M. V., September 5 in Richmond city, age 59
GENTRY, Julia A.(Mrs.), September 5 in Richmond city, apoplexy
GERMAN, Christian-W, July 6 in Roanoke, age 70
GOODWIN, John-W, May 3 in Richmond city, of Louisa County
GREENHOW, Thomas J.-W, January 31 in Petersburg
GREGORY, Richard C., September 4 in Chase City, age about 4
GWIN, Savenna-W, July 7 in Monterey, Highland Co., age 42, attack of brain fever

HALL, Charles W., Jr.-W, July 4 in Acca, suicide
HAMLETT, Coartland-W, July 4 in Richmond city, 18 months
HARKER, Kate Bolling(nee Butler)(Mrs. Dr. T. S.)-W, November 9 in Richmond city
HARRIS, Marie-W, July 5 in Dinwiddie Co., age 22
HARRIS, Robert-W, September 12 in Hampton, railraod accident
HARRISON, Virginia Stockdell-W, September 11 in Richmond city, buried Petersburg
HAYES, Johnson, September in Newport News, drowned
HELFRICH, Helen(Mrs. Philip)-W, October 31 in Richmond city, age 67
HIERHOLZER, Stewart-W, June 29 at Staples Mill, infant
HILL, Charles-W, May 10 in Richmond city
HIX, Hazel Genevieve-W, January 21 at the Retreat for the Sick in Richmond city, age 13, gangrene
HOBECK, Mrs. Louisa-W, January 31 in Petersburg, age 54
HOLMAN, James Miller-W, January 13 in Goochland Co., age 74
HOTZE, Eva Lucy-W, January in Richmond city, age 8, membranous croup
HUBBARD, Monroe Read-W, April 27 in Bedford Co., age about 60
HUNTON, Lucy(nee Weir), September 4 in Warrenton
HYLTON, Clarence-W, May 1 in Clintwood, age 15
HUME, John Hodges-W, December 19 in Portsmouth, age about 55

INGLE, Mary(Mrs.)-W, January ,age about 52

JACKSON, Mime(Mrs.)-AA, July 16 in Richmond city
JETT, Bessie-W, September 9 in Fredericksburg, age about 20, typhoid fever
JOHNSON, Jane Claudia(Mrs.), December 31 in Amelia Co.
JOHNSON, John-W, September in Newport News, drowned, of Sweden

KADDEN, Aaron-W, January 15 in Petersburg, age 60
KENFER, Mrs. H. F.-W, January 19 in Petersburg
KNACKSTEDT, Fredericka(nee Koss)-W, September 1 in Richmond city age 68

LANCASTER, Henry-AA, January 31 in Petersburg
LANGLEY, John Henry-W, May 7 in Winchester, age 72
LAZENBY, William R.-W, May 2 in Bedford Co., paralysis of the brain
LEFEBRVE, Mattie(Mrs. W. C.)(nee Gordon)-W, July 4 in Richmond city, age about 29
LESTER, Thomas(Mrs.), August 30 near Midlothian
LILLIS, John-W, November 4 in Winchestr, age 84
LIPSCOMB, Henry C.-W, July 16 in Richmond city, age about 57
LOMAX, Rachel-AA, January 21 in Richmond city, age about 37, heart failure which caused her to fall down stairs
LOTH, Julius H.-W, January 10 in Richmond city, age about 57
LUCK, William C.-W, May 13 in Richmond city

MAGILL, Mary Tucker-W, April 29 in Richmond city, age 68
MARSHALL, Paul-W, July 12 in Pittsylvania Co., age about 99
MARTIN, Mrs. S. H.-W, December 19 in Roanoke, age 51
MASON, Samuel Archer-W, September 10 in Richmond city, age about 18
MAYNARD, E. T.(male)-W, May 12 in Richmond city
McCANDISH, James George-W, April 6 in Petersburg
McCAULEY, John, August 29 in Hanover Co., age 79
McGILVRAY, John Alexander-W, May 13 in Richmond city
McKEE, Dorsey, August 31, resident of Winchester, age 73
McNAMARA, Cornelius-W, July 7 in Richmond city, age 75, formerly of Ireland
MILLER, Abraham-W, May 13 in Richmond city
MILLS, Ronald-W, July in Amelia Co., age 76
MONTAGUE, Nannie Steger-W, July 2 in Richmond city, age 3
MONEY, Maggie(Mrs. Thomas)-W, April 30  in Richmond city
MORAN, Thomas E.-W, May 1 in Richmond city, age 23, appendicitis/peritonitis
MUNDAY, Dr. Benjamin-W, May 4 in Richmond city, age 41 
MYERS, Morris-W, May 13 in Richmond city, resident of Petersburg

NEWBY, Joseph F.-W, January 7 in Chesterfield Co., age 79
NICHOLS, George A.-W, May 8 at "Three Otters" in Bedford Co., age 62
NOEL, Capt. John E.-W, May 1 in Botetourt Co., killed while felling a tree

O'KEEFE, Honorah-W, June 29 in Richmond city
OLIVER, John Elder, September in Richmond city, age 1 year, 22 days

PANNILL, Mrs. Henry-W, January 5 in Petersburg
PARTRIDGE, F. F.-W, January 8 in Petersburg
PEMBERTON, Mertle Lee-W, July 13 
PHILLIPS, A. E.-W, May 8 in Bedford Co., age 48, pneumonia
PICARDAT, Charles H.-W, February 24 in Chesterfield Co., age 72
PODESTA, Emilio-W, May 13 in Richmond city, age about 23, born in Italy
POPE, Bettie J.-W, July 2 in Brunswick Co., age 30
PRICE, Thomas W.(Mrs.), August, of Farmville, age over 80

REDFORD, Smith-W, July 16 in Richmond city, age 56
REDWOOD, Lucy(Mrs. James C.)-W, January 13 on Mechancisville Turnpike, age 65
REX, Annie E. C.(Mrs. J. W.)-W, July 4 in Richmond city
RICE, Edwin S.-W, December 19 in Ronaoke, pneumonia, resident of Bridgeton, New Jersey
RIPPON, James Roy, September 4 in Richmond city, age 11 months, 26 days
RITCHIE, Isabella-W, May 2 in Richmond city, age about 75
RITCHIE, Mrs Susan B.-W, March 31 in Dinwiddie Co., age 77
ROBINSON, Wise-AA, December 18 in Richmond city
ROUTTEN, Ruby-W, May 1 in Fulton, age about 17
ROYALTY, George W.-W, May in Bedford Co., age 73

SCHEFFER, Laura Virginia(Mrs.)-W, July 3 in Hampton, age 34
SCHOCH, Sophia A.(nee Finkle)-W, September 4 in Richmond city
SHELTON, James-AA, July 20 in Richmond city, age 58
SIMCOE, Ellen M.(nee Vaughan)-W, May 8 at Glade Spring, Bedford Co., age about 45
SMITH, Catherine Scott(nee Crooks)(Mrs.)-W, January 6 in Manchester city, age 45
SMITH, James Conway-W, July in Pulaski
SMITH, "Kid", August 31 in Alexandria, age 20, a tramp killed while laying on a railroad track, native of Massachusetts
SMITH, Mamie-W, June 25 in Fulton, Richmond city
SOUTHALL, Lizzie Henry-W, July 15 in Amelia Co., age 6
STAGG, Alice M.(Mrs. W. L.)-W, September 11 in Richmond city
SURBER, Hattie, January 3 in Clifton Forge, burned
SWANN, Charlie-W, June 30 in Richmond city, 2 months, buried in Cumberland Co.
SYKES, Volney B.-W, July in Dickenson Co.

TALBOTT, James Madison-W, January 15 in Richmond city,
age about 52
TAYLOR, Rebecca(nee Bowzer)(Mrs. Theodore)-W, July 17 in Charlottesville, age 83
THOMPSON, Mrs. Jane A.-W, January 13 in Petersburg, age 57
TUCK, Richard J.-W, January 15 in Richmond city, age about 71
TURNLEY, James Whitfield-W, July 3 in Henrico Co., age about 63
TURPIN, Julia E.-W, January 10 in Manchester city

VAUGHAN, Bettie L.-W, September 9
VAUGHAN, (Mrs.)S. J-W, May 1 at the Hotel Bedford, Bedford Co., Bright's disease
VEST, Christian C.(nee Krumwick)-W, March 24 in Richmond city, age 46
VOGLE, M.(male)-W, November 1 in Richmond city, age 50

WAKEFIELD, Emma A.(Mrs.), March 24 in Henrico Co., age 54
WEAVER, Mattie(Mrs. James C.)-W, July 16 in Onancock, Accomack Co., age about 62
WEBSTER, Coleman-W, October 31 in Rappahannock Co., heart failure
WEST, General M. W.-W, Jul 17 in Onancock, Accomack Co., age 84, cancer
WILKINSON, Annie M.(Mrs. J. B.)-W, December 19 in Roanoke, dropsy, interred in Lynchburg
WILLIAMS, Kate E.(Mrs.)-W, July 7 in Richmond city
WILLIAMSON, Jennie(nee Sammons)(Mrs. John H.)-W, April 24 in Bedford Co.
WINE, James(Mrs.), September 2 in Falmouth part of Richmond city, age 53
WINSTON, William Henry-W, January 9 in Manhelm, Hanover Co., age about 83
WITT, David-W, July 3 in Rockbridge Co., age 89
This page was last updated on: October 22, 2011
If a listing is blue linked you can see their obit by clicking the link and going to that page on my Old Va. Obituaries website

AA stands for African-American   W stands for white
                            ML stands for Mulatto     
Copyright© 2002-2011 by M. E. Bond.