ADAMS, Jacob-W, April 3 in Lynchburg, age 73
ADAMS, Capt. Jesse E.-W, May 9 in Amherst Co.
ADKINS, Hugh, April in Staunton, age 3
ALLEN, Edmund T.-W, March 15 in Proffit
ANDERSON, Ella(Mrs.), April 21 in Richmond city, age 35
ANDERSON, Lucy Hyde(Mrs. Dr. P. E.)-W, July 12 in Rodophil, Amelia Co., age about 67
ANDREWS, Mrs. J. A.-W, September 30 in Petersburg
ANGEL, John, October 18 in Richmond city, age 42
ARCHER, John Harvie-W, April 20 in Richmond city, age 45
AYTES, Lizzie E.(Mrs. Richard L.)-W, April 11
BAILEY, Annie E.-W, February 12 in Portsmouth, age 1 year and 8 months
BAKER, Sam-AA, July in Blacksburg, killed by being hit in the head with a stone, age about 16, killed by another teenager
BALLENTINE, Vernon-W, February 3 in Norfolk city
BARKSDALE, Mary Greenhow, September 4 in Richmond city, age 55
BAUR, John L., April 14 in Richmond city
BERRY, Mary(Mrs.)-W, February in Roanoke, heart disease
BLANKENSHIP, Wiley A.-W, April 12 in Richmond city, age about 28
BLIVEN, Raymond Durham-W, August 18 in the Berkley section, Norfolk city, age 4
BOISSEAU, William Patrick-W, March 29 in Petersburg, age 71
BORLAND, Thomas R.-W, January 2 in Norfolk, age 55
BOWLES, Julia E.(Mrs.)-W, April 13 in Richmond city, age 66
BOYD, Lucy A.(Mrs. H. C.)-W, February 3 in Portsmouth, age 61
BRANCH, Lina Gardner(nee Carlton)(Mrs. W. J.)-W, June 13 in Richmond city
BRIDGES, Benjamin, Sr.-W, May 2 in Loudoun Co., age about 80
BRIGHTWELL, Addison-W, June 3 in Prince Edward Co.
BRINSON, Elizabeth-W, February in Portsmouth, age 4 months
BRITTON, Henry C., August 26
BROWN, Caroline(Mrs.)-AA, March 24 in Richmond city
BROWN, Joe-AA, April 16 in the Appomattox River, drowned
BROWN, Nellie Agnes-W, February 28 in Richmond city
BROWN, Richard R.-W, March 9 in Richmond city, age about 57
BRYANT, Charles Wesley-W, January 14 in Madison, age about 20, consumption
BUCK, Mary E. Davenport(Mrs.)-W, January in Lynchburg, age 85
BURKE, John P.-W, March 20 in Manchester, age 76
BURKE, William A.-W, January 31 in Staunton, age 70, uremic poisoning superinducing paralysis
BURNETT, Susan(Mrs.)-W, January 1 in Lynchburg
CALDWELL, Joseph W.-W, February 28 in Dublin, Va., age about 76, buried in Wytheville
CAMPBELL, Alice V.-W, October 23 in Richmond city
CAMPBELL, Joseph W.-W, February 3 in Williamsburg, a resident of Manchester city
CANNON, Henry Gibbon-W, June 7 in Richmond city
CARTER, J. Preston-W, January 2 in Charlottesville, age 25
CARTER, Mary-W, May 10 in Halifax Co.
CARTER, Mary Jane(Mrs. T. J.)-W, April 13 in Henrico Co.
CAYCE, Milton, June 24 in Richmond city
CHERNAULT, W. F.(Mrs.)-W, July in Richmond city, of Farmville
CHILDS, William Harrison-W, December 28 at Brookland Park, age about 53
CLARK, Cadet Paul B.-W, January 15 at the Virginia Military Institute's hospital, age 19, cerebral meningitis
CLARKE, Carroll Charles-W, April 14 in Henrico County, age about 60
CLARKE, Esther Hughes (nee Cunliffe)-W, October 17 in Richmond city, age 82
CLARKE, Junius G.-W, May 10 in Richmond city
CLAYBROOK, Charles-W, July 6 in Richmond city, age 62
CLIFTON, James C.-W, May 2 in Richmond city, age about 62
CLINELY, John D.-W, November 8 in Milford, age about 20
COGBILL, Marcus Aurelius-W, April 12, age 57
COLEMAN, Samuel H.-W, June 5 in Roanoke, heart disease
COLHOUN, Charles A.-W, January in Lynchburg, infant
COMPTON, Nannie J.(Mrs.)-W, April 17 in Chesterfield Co., age 34, buried in South Carolina
CONRAD, Frank E.-W, May 8 in Leesburg, Loudoun Co.
COOK, Ada Sue(nee Crank)(Mrs. W. A.)-Sept. 19, age 26
COTTRELL, Milton Shepherd-W, July 12 in Amelia County, age 82
CROUCH, Virgie-W, July 10 in Richmond city, age 18
CROWLEY, Percy Davidson, June 19 in Bedford County, age 30
CRUMP, Ollie T.-W, February 28 in Richmond city, age about 26
CRUTCHFIELD, Katherine-W, May 8 in Richmond city, age 1 month
CUNNINGHAM, Virginia Colbert-W, May 3 in Richmond city, age 20 months
CURTIS, W. C.(male)-W, May 7 in Boydton, Mecklenburg Co.
DAUGHTREY,Elizabeth(Mrs. W. T.)-W, February 24 in Portsmouth, age about 37
DAVIS, Irene-W, March 1 in Blackstone
DAVIS, John William-W, July 14 in Richmond city, 11 months, 16 days
DAVIS, Robert J. J.-W, August 20 in Richmond city, age 25
DAVISON, Ferdinand-W, February 2 in Richmond city, age 77
DELANEY, Blanche A.(nee Rowe)(Mrs. Howard M.)-W, April 12 in Richmond city, age about 27
DEWS, Henry, March 20 in Lynchburg
DOES, John-W, February 3 in Richmond city, age 79
DOLAN, Julia(Mrs. Michael)-W, February 14 in Portsmouth, age about 75
DOLPHIE, Jean R.-W, April 17 in Chase City Co., overexertion while fighting a fire
DONALDSON, Jack-W, February in Roanoke, age 27, fell down stairs
DOWNING, Nannie T.(Mrs.), September 3 in Front Royal, typhoid
DREW, Hannah(Mrs. L. G.)-W, May 8 at Sheltering Arms Hospital, Richmond city, age about 67
DREWRY, John B.-W, August 22 in Portsmouth, age 61
DRUMMOND, J. H.-W, March 12 in Basic City
ECKHARDT, Otho Lee-W, January 25 in Lynchburg, age 18, pneumonia
EDMONDS, Landon C.-W, January 29 at the Soldier's Home in Richmond city, age 71
EDMONDS, Orena Pendleton(Mrs. James H.)-W, May 16 in Richmond city, age about 53
EDMUNDS, Capt. Elias-W, June 21 in Warrenton
ELLIS, William H. C.-W, May 10 in Northampton Co., age about 74, buried in Norfolk city
ERICSSON, Caroline Dow(Mrs. O. H.)-W, May 17 in Richmond city
ERVINE, Phyllis-AA, January 15 in Lynchburg, age about 74, formerly of Bedford Co.
EURE, James-W, February 13
EVANS, Aaron-W, July 7 in Edinburg, killed by a train
FIELDS, Gracie Cleveland-W, April 14 near Barton Heights, age 9
FINN, Lawrence A., September 1 in Petersburg, 2 months, 4 days
FISHER, Susan P.(Mrs.)-W, June 5 in Shenandoah Co., age about 75, paralysis
FLETCHER, Joseph-AA, April 5 in Staunton, a soldier killed by a sheriff holding him on a drunk and disorderly
FLETCHER, Rebecca(nee Effinger), March 20 in Winchester, age 99
FLIPPEN, Mrs. H. D.-W, February 1 in Richmond city, formerly of Bedford Springs
FOLEY, Michael-W, September 5 in Richmond city, age 41
FOWLER, Daniel-AA, June 7 in Richmond city, hemorrhage
FRASER, Robert B.-W, January 29 at the Soldier's Home in Richmond city, age 62
GARY, Edgar Louis(infant), April 20 in Richmond city
GIBSON, John F. W.-W, May 10 in Richmond city
GIBSON, John K.-W, Ocotber 23 in Richmond city, age about 29
GIBSON, Susie Eleanor-W, March 10 in Richmond city, age 12
GISH, John A.-W, March 1 in Roanoke Co., age 71
GORDON, William S.,Jr.-W, July 9 in Lynchburg, age 11 months
GORMLEY, Charles-W, July in Henrico Co., age about 65, killed by a train engine
GREEN, Hon. J.. C.-W, January 5 in Wytheville, age 66, heart failure
GREER, Rev. Thomas W.-W, January 24 near Chase City, age about 82
GREGORY, Lottie Earl-W, May in Richmond city
GRIFFIN, Vester-AA, December 28 in Danville, hung by city-sgt. for murder of Georgia King
GROVES, Silas-W, January 21 in Stafford Co., frostbite and exposure
GUTHROW, John F.-W, April 14 at the Soldier's Home, Richmond city, age 63
HAGAN, B. F.-W, March 2 in Loudoun Co., age about 71
HALL, Bettie L.(Mrs.)-AA, March 23 in Richmond city
HALL, Ira D.-W, January 26 in Pulaski Co., age 80, heart failure
HAMILTON, Minnie Belle-W, January 19, 1900 in Richmond city
HANES, Beulah J.(nee Williams)(Mrs. W. T.)-W, March 12 in Manchester city, age 19
HARRISON, Thomas Archer-W, April 18
HARLOW, Ida V.-W, March 20 in Richmond city
HART, Sue(Mrs. Rev. J. W.)-W, December 31 in Waverly, Sussex Co., pneumonia
HARVEY, William Graham, Sr.-W, May 5 in Richmond city, age about 60
HASKINS, William-AA, March 26 in Richmond city, age about 70
HATCHER, Amanda-W, March 20 in Richmond city, age 64
HEEKE, Henry J., April 13 in Richmond city, age 37
HICKLIN, William A.-W, June 2 in Highland Co., neuralgia of the heart
HILL, John T.-W, May 2 in Ricmond city, age about 13
HITE, Elizabeth A.(Mrs.), March 20 in Winchester, age 82
HOLDER, Lillie(nee Armstrong)-W, July 10 in Goochland, age about 22
HOLT, Elizabeth(Mrs.)-W, April 12 in Richmond city
HOLT, Margaret-W, July 10 in Lexington
HUGHES, B. J.(male)- W, October 23 in Richmond city
HULL, Harvey-W, June 4 drowned in the Rivanna River
HUNT, Jennie, June 22 in Manchester city, age 55
HYSLOP, Mary Matilda(Mrs. Claud)-W, February 12 in Portsmouth, age 39
JARVIS, James L.-W, July 19 in Richmond city, age about 30
JEFFERSON, Edward-AA, July 8 in Richmond city
JOHNSON, Bettie Venable(Mrs. Virginius)-W, May 17 in Richmond city, buried in Petersburg
JOHNSON, John-AA, May 2 in Richmond city, congestion
JOHNSON, Minnie-AA, July 9 in East Radford, she was shot by Hoge Saunders and died a few days later
JONES, A. Seddon, April 21 in Charlottesville, age 65
JONES, Blanche(Mrs. Isaac D.)(nee Brooks)-W, March 2 in Richmond city, age 20
JONES, Edward S.-W, July 13 in Henrico Co., age about 65
JONES, Jesse Howard-W, January 23 in Lynchburg, age 49, pneumonia
JONES, Lorraine Peterkin, September 3 in Richmond city, age 26
JONES, Lucy(Mrs.)-AA, April 5 in Richmond city
JONES, Sarah Curtis(Mrs. John Allen)-W, June 2 in Yorktown, age about 74
KEYSER, Amanda(Mrs. Charles M.)-W, February 27 in Page Co., age 86
KLINK, William E.-W, June 13 in Richmond city, age 40
KOONTZ, Harrison-W, January 13 in Woodstock, Shenandoah Co., age 86, general debility
KRAUSE, John Ernest-W, April 4 in Campbell Co., infant
KYLE, David-W, February 1 at Brandy Station, Culpeper Co., age 56
LAMB, Lucy Jane(Mrs. Fred A.)-W, May
LANE, infant of C. R. & Sadie-W, July 11 in Richmond city
LANGHORNE, William Maurice-W, January 4 in Patrick Co., age 82
LARMAND, James F.-W, July 13 in Richmond city, age about 52
LASSITER, Riddick-W, March 29 in Nansemond Co., age about 80
LAUBE, Joseph W.-W, November 8 in Richmond city, age 81
LAWRENCE, Water Stuart-W, July 13 in Richmond city, age 3 months, 23 days
LAY, Judge John F.-W, April 16 in Richmond city, age 73
LEADBETTER, Susan E.(Mrs.)-W, July 2 in Louisa Co., age 74
LEAKE, Josiah-W, July 10 near Glen Allen, age about 67
LEAKE, Maude Hatcher-W, May 8 in Richmond city, age about 19
LEE, Henrietta(Mrs. William T.)-W, March 1 in Richmond city
LIPSCOMB, Sarah E.-W, March 2 in Richmond city, age 27
LITCHFIELD, Margaret S.(Mrs. Larkin)-W, June 25 in Richmond city, age 87
LIVESAY, Etta V.-W, March 11 in Petersburg, age 51
LUCAS, Mrs. C. V.-W, May 2 in Richmond city, age about 68
LYBARGER, Philip-W, March 12 in Chesterfield Co., age 61
LYONS, Heningham-W, October 23 in Richmond city, daughter of James & Elizabeth Lyons
MACGINNISS, Ann(nee Brantly)(Mrs. James)-W, October 14 in Richmond, age 97
MADDOX, William B.-W, April 17 in Arco, Warren Co., age about 63, paralysis
MARKER, William F.-W, March 20 near Hayfield, age 82
MARSHALL, Mrs. Caroline(nee Stabler)-W, December 31 in Alexandria
MATTHEWS, John Henry-W, July 10 near Williamsburg, crushed beneath a train
MATTHEWS, Winnie E.-W, July 7 in Richmond city
MAYO, Bernard Blanton-W, July 10 in Richmond city
MAYO, William Carrington-W, April 12 in Richmond city, age about 67
MAYS, Joseph-W, March 5 in Bedford City, age 89
McCURDY, Peter, April 14 in Richmond city
MEENLEY, George L.-W, January 27 in Richmond city, age 61, pneumonia
MOODY, John W.-W, June 4 in the Soldiers Home, Richmond city, age 63
MORRIS, Lucille Allan-W, May in Richmond city
MORRISETTE, James R.-W, February 5 in Portsmouth, age 15
MOSELEY, Emeline(Mrs. William G.)-W, January 27 in Danville, age 84
MYERS, Jane-W, February 29 in Woodstock, paralysis
NAFF, Rev. Isaac N.-W, March 12 near Dublin, Va., age about 83
NAPIER, Mamie J.(Mrs. Charles L.)-W, May 5 in Richmond city, age about 27
NEWMAN, Policeman Joseph-W, January 20 in Staunton, paralysis
NICOL, Annie P. P.(nee Bennett)(Mrs. George M.)-W, March 10 in Richmond city
NOLTE, Lewis B.-W, March 1 in Richmond city, age 24
NORTHINGTON, Samuel H.-W, August 31 in Petersburg, age 47, consumption
NUNNALLY, Herbert-W, July 7 in Petersburg, age 17
OTIS, Nellie McClure(Mrs. John)-W, December 28 in Highland Park, age about 41
PARHAM, William Henry-W, June 20 in Richmond city, age 60
PATTERSON, Maria(Mrs. George)-W, March in Lynchburg, age 58, consumption
PAUL, Annie, September 2 in Richmond city, age 16
PENDLETON, John-W, March in Louisa Co.
PEYTON, Calpurnia(Mrs. Col. George L.)(nee Omohondro)-W, March 20, age 67
PHILLIPS, Charles E.-W, May 10 in Richmond city, age 38
PHILLIPS, Martha Booth(Mrs.)-W, February 3 in Richmond city, age about 66
PLEASANTS, Hugh P.-W, April 22 in Richmond city, age 31
RAGLAND, Bettie-W, December 28 in Barton Heights, Richmond city, age 31, heart failure
RANDOLPH, Edward-AA, March 31 in Richmond city
RATCLIFFE, Harvey L.-W, July 19 in Richmond city, buried in Henrico Co.
REDD, Mary Jane(nee Eubank)(Mrs. John R.)-W, December 7 in King William Co.
REDMON, James Louis-W, May 11 in Winchester, age 43, pneumonia
REX, Jacob W.-W, May 17 in Richmond city, age about 68
RIDDICK, James Edward-W, September 2 in Spotsylvania Co., age 53
RIDDICK, Capt. Thomas S.-W, April 15 in Richmond city
ROACH, Gideon T.-W, November 8 in Richmond city, age about 45
ROACH, Mrs. John J.-W, July 30 in Manchester
ROBINSON, Mary Susan(Mrs. Thomas)-W, May, resident of King William Co., buried in Richmond city
ROSS, Mamie V.(nee Keegan)(Mrs. Alexander L.)-W, April 16
ROUTTE, William-W, February 28 in Roanoke, paralysis
ROYSTER, Mary F.(Mrs. George W.)-W, April 16 in
RUSSELL, Thomas W.-W, January 21 in Clarke Co., age 45
RYAN, Robert J.-W, February 2 in Richmond city, age about 30
RYLAND, Norvell-W, July 12 in Richmond city
SANDERS, James-W, April 29 in Powhatan Co., age about 82
SAUNDERS, Elizabeth(Mrs. James)-AA, March in Richmond city
SCOTT, John H.-AA, March 1 in Richmond city
SCOTT, Loulie-W, January 20 in Lynchburg, age 10 months, acute indigestion
SERGEANT, H. T.-W, July 8 in Yorktown, drowned
SHEEBY, Hanora-W, November 7 in Richmond city
SHIELDS, Caroline E.(Mrs. James W., Sr.)-W, March 1 in Richmond city, age 82
SILCOTT, Martha S.(Mrs.)-W, January in Lynchburg
SIMMS, Mary(Mrs.)-AA, April 3 in Richmond city
SIZER, Bettie H.(nee Ryland)(Mrs. A.)-W, March 10 near Ayletts, age about 65
SLAUGHTER, Margaret(nee Chapman), April 14 in Richmond city, pneumonia
SMITH, George W.-AA, January 13 in Richmond city, age about 49
SNIDER, Emory E.-W, July 10 in Lexington, age 33, typhoid fever
SPAULDING, S. E.-W, April 17 in Charlotte Co.
SPENCE, William H.-W, April 15 in Richmond city, age 61, pneumonia
ST. MYER, William-W, June 13 at the Soldiers' Home, Richmond city, age 91
STEWART, Susan Antonia-W, April 7 in Richmond city, age 8
STONE, Kate(Mrs. J. B.)-W, January 25 in Pittsylvania Co., age 40
SUTTON, Hawes R.-W, July 9 in Henrico Co.
TATEM, Richard Sparrow-W, August 18 in Norfolk Navyyard, age 41
TAYLOR, Ellen Jarvis-W, July 29 in Richmond city, age about 26
TURNER, Ellen B.(Mrs.)-W, April 12 in Barton Heights, paralysis
TURNER, Julia A.(Mrs. C. M.)-W, March 10 in Roanoke city, paralysis
TURNER, Lulie Franklin(Mrs. James S.)(nee Neal)-W, March 3 in Danville,
age 29
TURNER, W. P., April 14 in Henrico Co., age 44, pneumonia
TURNER, William F.-AA, January in Richmond city
TWYMAN, Elizabeth(Mrs. Joseph)-W, March 4 in Oakville, Albemarle Co., age 91
UPCHURCH, J. Madison-W, March 12 in Danville, age 42, consumption
VAN LEW, Eliza L.-W, May 8 in Richmond city
VANDEGRIFT, N. D.(male)-W, January in Danville, heart failure, formerly of Lynchburg
VAUGHAN, James B.-W, August 12 in Richmond city, age 36
VAUGHAN, Martha H.-W, December 8 in Richmond city, paralysis
WADE, Ann-AA, January 28, died from burns
WALKER, Nannie E.-W, July 13 in Richmond city, resident of Madison Co.
WALTHALL, Harrison-W, June 5, a week after being kicked by his horse
WARD, Ellen(Mrs.)-W, January 29 in Portsmouth
WARRINER, Julia Archer (nee Cottrell)-W, June 30 in Amelia County, age 48
WASH, Lucy G.-W, July 29 in Richmond city
WEISIGER, Elizabeth Trueheart (nee Royall)(Mrs. Emmett Washington)-W, January 26
WELSH, George R.-W, October 23 in Richmond city
WHEATLYE, Benedict-W, July 8 in Alexandria, age 72
WHEELY, Charles-W, January 1 at Robinson's Mill Pond in Essex Co., age 17, drowned
WHEELY, John-W, January 1 at Robinson's Mill Pond in Essex Co., age 15, drowned
WHITE, Alice J.(Mrs. John)-W, August 20 in Norfolk city
WILLIAMS, Critty-AA, February 3 in Richmond city
WILLIAMSON, William Jones-W, July 19 in Manchester city, infant
WOODCOCK, Mary A.(Mrs.)-W, October 23 in Richmond city, age about 76
WOODWARD, Mary E.(nee Pollard)(Mrs. P. T.)-W, March 10 in Saluda
WREN, Frances(Mrs. John)-W, June 3 in Richmond city
WRENN, Jennie Lee(Mrs. Cornelius R.)(nee Armstrong)-W, March 20 in Richmond city
YANCEY, John A.-W, March 20 in Danville, suicide