ABERNETHY, Scott-AA, December 12 in Richmond city, age 22, pulmonary tuberculosis
ACREE, Harvey T.-W, April 8 in Richmond city, age 9 months, dysentary
ACREE, Leroy-W, November 12 in Richmond city, age 79, apoplexy
AINSLIE, Henry Lance-W, February 8 in Richmond city, age 74
ALBERTSON, Daniel, September 28 in Petersburg, age 52, from inuries in fire works factory explosion
ANDERSON, Charles-W, July 7 in Brambleton, Norfolk city
ANGLE, Mrs. Virginia T.-W, November 7 in Richmond city, age about 69
APPERSON, Mary Julia-W, July 9 in Hanover Co.
ARCHER, Dr. Edgar-W, June 3 in Manchester, age 79
ARMSTRONG, Hattie S.(nee Bough)(Mrs. John)-W, July in Martinsville, age 69
ARNOLD, D.(male)-W, January 5 in Norfolk, drowned in Deep Creek
ARNOLD, Percy-W, January 5 in Norfolk, drowned in Deep Creek
ASHWOOD, Mary B.(nee Robinson)(Mrs. Hugh)-W, April 23 in Frederick Co., age 35, pneumonia
ASSHETON, N. M.(female)-W, April 4
ATKINS, Roberta(Mrs.)-W, December 21 in Rihmond city
AYRES,Emma F.-W, May 4 in Richmond city
BAGBY, Buster Brown-AA, June 27 in Richmond city, age 3 months, marasmus
BAKER, Elizabeth A.(Mrs. Capt. Francis H.)-W, July 4 in Norfolk, age 67
BAKER, John I. H.-W, September 16 in Winchester, age 75
BAKER, William J.-W, May 2 in Hanover Co., age about 65, pneumonia
BARLOW, Nina, March in Crewe, burned by lamp explosion
BARTLETT, "Aunt" Maria-AA, January 27 in Farmville
BAUGHAN, L. C.-W, July 2 in Richmond city
BAYLISS, Milton H.-W, February 7 in Frederick Co., age 68
BEARD, John E., April 2 in Vinton?, age 61
BELL, Mary-W, April 22 in Amelia Co., age about 46
BEW, John W.-W, July 7 in Norfolk city
BISHOP, Cora V., March? in Charlottesville
BLAND, "Aunt" Mary-AA, April in Farmville, age about 88
BOOKER, James M.-W, July 8 in Richmond city, age 79
BOWEN, John R.-W, July 1 in Richmond city
BOWERS, John, Jr.-W, July 1 in King William Co.(at his summer home), age 59, Bright's Disease, resident of Richmond city
BOXWELL, Rachel(Mrs. Gregory)-W, June 2 in Frederick Co., apoplexy
BOYD, Rev. Dr. J. H.-W, March 28 in Roanoke
BROOCKS, Anne Gertrude-W, April 14 in Henrico Co., age about 7
BROOKES, Richard, March 28 in Essex Co.
BRUCE, Maj. James William-W, April 14 in Danville, age 74
BRUMBACK, Roscoe C.-W, December 30 in Page Co., age about 34, consumption
BUTLER, Mrs. Callie-W, July 6 in Richmond city
BUTTS, Margaret Elizabeth(Mrs. Calvin)(nee Luckett)-W, June 2 in Alexandria, age 54
CAMPBELL, William-W, April 19 in Bedford City, age about 56
CAMPBELL, William-W, June 3 in Roanoke Co., age 8
CARTER, James H.-W, December 28 in Buckingham Co., age 84
CARTER, Lillie G.-W, February 6 in Richmond city, age 19
CARTER, Lucy B.(Mrs. M. F.)-W, July 5 in Norfolk, age 82, buried in Warrenton
CARTER, Warner Peatross-W, October 4 in Danville, age 27
CATTS, J. Harry-W, September 16 in Alexandria
CHAMBLIN, Sarah E.(Mrs. Peyton W.)(nee Holmes)-W, September 12 in Hamilton, age 80
CHANDLER, Ferdinand W.-W, December 31 in Bowling Green, Caroline Co.
CHILDRESS, Joseph(Mrs.), March 29 in Varina, Henrico Co.
CLARKE, Henrietta Christian(Mrs. Garland H.)-W, December 29 in Richmond city
CLARKE, Hettie(Mrs. Carroll Charles)-W, January
CLAY, Goode-W, May 4 in Crewe, Nottoway Co., age 24
CLIFTON, James C.-W, May 2 in Richmond city, age 62
CLINE, Bernard R.-W, July 7 in Alexandria
CLINGINPEEL, Mollie(Mrs. Charles)-W, July 13 in Roanoke, age 23
COGBILL, Benjamin-W, November 7 in Boydton, Mecklenburg Co., age 2
COGBILL, Caroline Matilda(Mrs. Peter Fitz)(nee Manson)-W, August 18 in Petersburg, age 73
COLE, David-AA, June 21 in Richmond city, age 59, carceated hernia
COLEMAN, Edward Henry-W, in Amelia Co., age 76
COTTRELL, William C.-W, October 14 in Lynchburg, age 31
COWARDIN, William H.-W, December 20 in Richmond city, age about 64
CROW, John-W, June 15 in Dinwiddie Co., riding in buggy killed by train on tracks
CURRIE, Sarah(Mrs. Robert)-W, April 22 in Richmond city, age about 93
DAILEY, Mary E.(Mrs. James R.)-W, May 16 in Winchester, age 60, heart disease
DAUGHERTY, R. W.-W, June 1 in Bristol, age 52
DAVIS, Mary-W, April 19 in Amelia Co., age about 17
DAVIS, Shelton(Mrs.), March 29 in Lynchburg, age 92
DEANER, Addie-W, April 19 in Eureka Mills, age 35, rheumatism
DELANO, Sarah A.(Mrs. G. R.)-W, November 14 in Spotsylvania Co., age 56
DUCK, Elizabeth(Mrs. Timothy)-W, September 15 in Isle of Wight Co., age 92
DUDE, Frederick Joseph-W, July 1 in Richmond city, infant
DUESBERRY, James M.-W, July 9 in Richmond city, age 69
DUKE, W. D.-W, October 7 in Charlottesville, age 40, apoplexy
DYER, Lizzie(Mrs. L. S.)-W, June 2 in Roanoke
EDDY, Catherine(nee Morgan), April 1 near Winchester, age 79
EDMUNDS, Anna Hurd(Mrs. Thomas V.)-W, April 20 in Farmville
EMBRY, M. S.-W, June 14 in Stafford Co., age 33
ENTWISLE, Capt Charles F.-W, April 22 in Alexandria, heart disease
EPPES, Victor M., October 5 in Mecklenburg Co., age 90
EVANS, Col. Arthur Gill-W, April 15 in Henrico Co., age 65
FAIRFAX, Dr. W. H.-W, April 3 in Westmoreland Co., age 72
FARANT, John L.-W, April in Norfolk city
FARMER, Mrs. Charles-W, June 13 in King George Co.
FERGUSON, Nannette(Mrs. S. R.)(nee Drummond)-W, June 3 in Bristol, age 57
FEUCHTENBERGER, Charles A., April 1 in Charlottesville, age 47, cancer
FINNEY, Bernard Lee-AA, May, age 11, bronchitis
FISHBURNE, Clement D.-W, May 16 in Charlottesville, age 75
FIRL, Herman-W, February 8 in Richmond city, age about 75
FLYNN, Maurice-W, July 5 in Petersburg, age 83
FOSTER, Fannie C.(Mrs. Richard T.)(nee Stribling)-W, June 14 in Staunton, age 70, pneumonia
FOWLER, W. Leslie, October 4 in Newport News, age 9
FOX, Lizzie, March 31 in Norfolk city
GARDNER, Rev. James S.-W, November 14 in Middletown, age 75
GARDNER, Kate E.(Mrs.), April 3 in Richmond city, age 68
GARNER, Martha A.(Mrs.)-W, December 18 in Falls Church, Fairfax Co.
GARRETT, Mariah L.(Mrs.)-W, July 8 in Ashland, Hanover Co., age 86
GILLIPSIE, James R.-W, February 28, age 78
GEORGE, T. E.-W, January in Tazewell Co., murdered
GIBBS, Katie(Mrs. W. W.)-W, April in Stauntoin
GILMER, Isa-W, April 24
GLEASON, Grace Phillips, April 3 in Charlottesville
GLOVER, Mrs. Eugenie(nee Crow)-W, March 28 in Winchester?
GOAD, Isaac-W, February 8 in Rockingham Co., age 52, pneumonia
GOODWIN, G. W.(male)-W, November 21, age 61
GORDON, Zachariah-W, July 2 in Petersburg, resident of Dinwiddie Co., heart failure
GOVER, Samuel A.-W, July 13 in Richmond city, age about 84
GREGORY, Sallie J.(Mrs. Rev. W. H.)(nee Payne)-W, June 3 in Roanoke city
GRIFFITH, Walter Scott, April 2 in Fairfax Co., age 60
GRIM, Martha(Mrs. David)-W, April 21 in Winchester, age 67, consumption
GRINNAN, Bettie(Mrs. Thomas)(nee Monroe)-W, June 14 in Stafford Co., age 75
GRUBBS, James T.-W, May 8 in Richmond city, age 57
HAIRSTON, Annie-W, July 7 in Martinsville
HAMLIN, James Boisseau-W, June 30 in Petersburg, age 82
HARRIS, Mrs. W. K.(nee Green)-W, November 5 in Lawrenceville, Brunswick Co.
HARRISON, Thomas P.-W, July 10 in the Soldier's Home, Richmond city
HARRISON, Mrs. William B.-W, in Louisa Co. resident of St. Louis, Mo.
HARTLEY, William, March 30 in Norfolk city, age 64
HATCHETT, Emily(Mrs. James)-W, July 6 in Eureka Mills, age 86
HAWKINS, Martha(Mrs. W. J.)-W, October 14 in Richmond city, age about 75
HEULINGS, Keturah M., March 29 in Winchester
HEWITT, Josephine(nee Allen)(Mrs. Thomas M.)-W, December 20
HICKMAN, Mary E.(Mrs. Andrew E.)-W, April
HILL, R. J.(male)-W, November 23 in Richmond city
HINGERTY, William M.-W, April 21 in Lindenwood, Norfolk city, age 26
HITE, Thomas-W, age 68
HOLLAND, W. H., November 6 in Holland, Suffolk Co.
HOLLERAN, John A.-W, July 1 at the Memorial Hospital in Richmond city,
age 5
HOPKINS, George H.-W, April in Richmond city
HOYLE, George Henry-W, July 1 in Petersburg, age 43, typhoid fever
HUDSON, Mary L.(Mrs. Addison A.)-W, April 1 in Fredericksburg
HUNT, C. A.-W, July 1 in Keysville, buried in Richmond city
JENKINS, Charles-W, February 8 in Richmond city
JETER, Victor-W, October 16 in Roanoke, age 18, pneumonia
KAVANAUGH, Margaret(Mrs.)-W, March 31 in Roanoke,age 62, pneumonia
KELLEY, Emma C.-W, July 4 in Roanoke, age 57
KING, Elmira(Mrs. Harry)-W, November 6 in Alexandria
KING, George Wesley, March 30 near Peake
KLINE, Daniel M.-W, March 30 in Winchester
KNIGHT, James T.-W, April 21 in Frederick Co., age 51
KNIGHT, William Friston-W, June 14 in Boyce, Clarke Co., age 88
KNIGHTON, Ben, March in Orange Co., age 65
LAUGHAN, Esther-W, June 14 in Pulaski Co., age 17, peritonitis
LEARY, David W.-W, April 1 in Amelia Co.
LEFTWICH, Maj. L. Clark-W, June 14 in Lynchburg, age 74
LIGGAN, John T.-W, December 20 in Richmond city
LINDSAY, Marion(male)-W, November 3 in Rockbridge Co., age 55
LIPPITT, Dr. Charles Edward-W, December 20 in Clarke Co., age 79
LIPSCOMB, Nora (nee Power)(Mrs. Frank P.)-W, December 9 in Richmond city
LLEWELLYN, Lucy D.(Mrs. Charles B.)-W, April in Norfolk city
LONG, Lee(Mrs.)-W, September 16 in Richmond city, resident of Page Co.
LUCHI, Bernardo-W, December 20 in Richmond city, age about 37
LUCK, Chester-W, April in Richmond city
LUNSFORD, William Zeb-W, April 22 in Petersburg, age 47, stroke of paralysis
MALLORY, Miranda(Mrs. Garland)-W, July 8 in Chesterfield Co., age 90
MARKS, Walter V.-W, December 21 in Lynchburg, age 31, stomach trouble
MARSHALL, Sarah(Mrs. John)-W, July 2 in Leesburg, Loudoun Co.
MASSIN, Peter M.-W, April 21 in Norfolk city
McCARTY, Ashton Peyton-W, Caroline Co., age 37, consumption
McCAULEY, Mary C.-W, February 8 in Richmond city, age about 80
McCORMICK, Alexander-W, November 6 in Berryville, age 60
McCULLOCH, Frederick Halsey-W, June 21 in Lynchburg, age 65
McDONALD, Kate-W, July 12 in Richmond city
MEADOWS, Robert P.-W, March 18 in Pamplin, age about 76
MERRITT, Capt. Christopher Gardner-W, November 15 in Greenville, age 85
MILLER, Thomas F.-W, November 15 in Page Co., age 66
MINNICK, Benjamin-W, January 8 in Wallace
MITCHELL, W. K.-W, July near Smithfield, of Rescue, Va.
MOORE, George T., November in Portsmouth, age 80
MURRAY, Mrs. M. E.-W, July 1 in Richmond city
NEFF, Charles I.-W, September 16 in Staunton, age 25, typhoid fever
NUNNALLY, Edward Thomas-W, February 21 in Ettrick, Chesterfield Co., age 71
OSWALD, August-W, May 8 in Richmond city
PANNELL, Catherine(nee Chapman)(Mrs. William)-W, October 14 in Frederick Co., age 73, heart disease
PAYNE, Johnnie Lawrence, Jr.-W, February 7 in Manchester city, age 3, typhoid-pneumonia
PEARMAN, James Edward-W, December 20 in Richmond city, age about 52
PERCIVAL, Joseph J.-W, July 2 in Petersburg, age about 65, paralysis
PERROW, Stephen C., April 14 in Campbell Co.
PERRY, Thomas-W, December 20 in Alexandria, age 78
PHILIPS, Baxter B.-W, July 1 in Amelia Co.
PHILIPS, John C.-W, June 29 in Amelia Co.
PLEASANTS, Harry Douglas-W, November 7 in Richmond city, age 35, typhoid fever
PLUNKETT, John F.-W, April 23 in Richmond city, age 72
POHLIG, Marlborough Madison-W, July 1 in Richmond city, infant
POLAND, Rosa Belle(Mrs. John E.)-W, November 22 in Petersburg
POLLOCK, Capt. W. C.-W, April 1 in Keysville, age 50
POND, Mary Elizabeth(Mrs. L. B.)-W, December 20 in Ettrick, Chesterfield Co., age 67
PRETLOW, Deborah(Mrs. John, Sr.)(nee Ricks)-W, July 1 near Franklin, age 69
PRITCHARD, Melissa-W, September 15 in Suffolk, age 44
PULLEN, John N.-W, June 27 in Lexington, age 80
QUARLES, Rev. James Addison-W, April 14 in Lexington, peritonitis
RAGLAND, Martha W.(Mrs.)-W, October 17 in Roanoke, age 80
RATER, F. L.(male)-W, July 2 near Petersburg, age about 30, shot himself
READ, Eliza(Mrs. E. T.)-W, June 2 in Montvale, age 76
REID, Stanley Edward-W, October in Richmond city, age 3 weeks
REPASS, Catherine(Mrs. Augustus)-W, May 7 in Wytheville, age 90
RICHARDS, Elizabeth(Mrs. Elijah)-W, July 3 in Frederick Co.
RICHARDS, Margaret-W, February 8 in Winchester, age 89
RICHARDSON, Blanton Vaughan-W, December 30 in Richmond city, age 3 months
RIELLY, Betty(Mrs. J. Chappelear)-W, April 13 in Bridgewater, Rockingam Co., age about 73, buried in Winchester
RITCHIE, James-W, January 8 in Washington Co., age about 68
RITTENOUR, Grace(nee Prout), April 2 in Alexandria
ROBERTS, Georgianna-AA, January 5 in Richmond city, age 1
ROBERTS, Juanita-AA, April 9 in Richmond city, age 1, pneumonia
ROBINSON, Alice-W, March 3 in Fauquier Co., paralysis of the brain
ROBINSON, W. Thomas-W, February 6 in Richmond city, age 67
ROEBUSH, Jacob-W, April 25 in Augusta Co., age 91
ROGER, Lewis, April 2 in Norfolk city
ROLLINS, Elizabeth-W, February in King George Co., age 95
SCHAAF, Christian-W, July 9 in Powhatan Co., age 58
SCHMIDT, Adam-W, October 14 in Richmond city, age 69
SCOTT, Col. John-W, May 7 in Warrenton, Culpeper Co., age 87
SENTER, William T.-W, June 1 in Bristol, age 83
SHARP, Wesley Vernon-W, October 13 in Richmond city, age 24, typhoid fever
SHIELDS, Mrs. John C.(nee Hardy)-W, February 6 in Rockbridge Co.
SHELTON, David, October 6 in Fredericksburg, age 32
SHEPHERD, Willie E.-W, March 13, age 19, typhoid pneumonia
SHOEMAKER, Augusta Chambers Eccleston-W, June 29
SMITH, Capt. Edward W.-W, May 8 in Spotsylvania Co., age 65
SNELLINGS, Moncure-W, April 21 in Stafford Co., age 35, consumption
SPINDLE, Emma(nee Witherspoon)(Mrs. John)-W, April 1 in Norfolk city, age 56
SPIVEY, Charles S.-W, November 5, killed by train
STEPHENS, Sallie H.-W, July 13 in Richmond city, buried in Greene Co.
STERN, Aaron L.-W, July 2 in Richmond city, age 36
STEWART, Herbert Alvin-W, August 28, age 19, tuberculosis
STONE, Jerry J.-W, December 31
STUTZ, Virginia Talbert-W, July 1 in Richmond city, age 11
SWAIN, William E.-W, March 12 in Fauquier Co., age about 74
TAYLOR, Mary A.(Mrs.)-W, April 22 in Richmond city, age about 86
TAYLOR, Samuel M., April in Clarke Co., age 54, pneumonia
TAZEWELL, George, October 6 in Petersburg
TEMPLE, William Thomas-W, July 6 in Norfolk city, age 24
THOMPSON, John W., November 6 in Rockbridge Co., age 46, consumption
TRIGG, Connelly-W, April 23 in Abingdon, Washington Co., age 59, pneumonia
TUCKER, Richard Randolph-W, July 3 in Richmond city, age 5 months, 21 days
TUTWILER, William P.-W, February in Rockingham Co., age 71
VAUGHAN, Corinne-W, December 19 in Richmond city
VAUGHAN-LLOYD, Harold Sedgwick-W, July 8 in Richmond city
VIOLETT, John W.-W, September 14 in Frederick Co., age 65, Bright's disease
WALKER, Elizabeth(Mrs.)-W, October 4 in Norfolk, buried in Gloucester Co.
WALKER, Richard S.-W, December 21 in Lynchburg, age 49
WALTON, Ann S.(Mrs. Walter)-W, April 17 in Fairfax Co., age 73
WATT, George(Mrs.), October 6 in Richmond city
WEAVER, Mary Etta(Mrs.),March 28 in Madison Co., age 63
WEST, Benjamin H., April 15 at Memorial Hospital, Richmond city
WEST, John T.-W, December 21 in Norfolk Co.
WHITE, Fred H.-W, October 16 in Roanoke, age 21
WHITEHEAD, E. J.-W, May 4 in Prince Edward Co., age 32
WHITEHEAD, Maria-W, April 21 in Nelson Co.
WILKINSON, Thomas J.-W, July 12 in Manchester city, age 33
WILKINSON, Capt. William C.-W, July 5 in Richmond city, age 67
WILLIAMS, Amanda(Mrs. Jerry)-AA, February 7 in Church Hill, Richmond city
WILLIAMS, Annie C.(Mrs. A. C.)(nee Wyndham)-W, November 15 in Winchester, age 51, resident of Loudoun Co.
WILLIAMS, Clarence-W, January 5 in Norfolk, drowned in Deep Creek
WILLIAMS, Elsie, March 28 in Memorial Hospital, Richmond city
WILLIAMS, Luther-W, March 31 in Farmville
WILSON, Henry(Mrs. Capt. James)-W, March 17 in Lynchburg, age 72
WISE, Charles-W, June 21 in Leesburg, Loudoun Co., age 26, pneumonia and typhoid fever
WITTEL, Barbara(Mrs. John A., Sr.)-W, November 21 in Richmond city, age about 62
WRIGHT, Dr. Benjamin P.-W, November 5 in Tappahannock, age 76
WRIGHT, W. T., March 30 in Staunton