These are letters from needy children sent to the editor of "The News Leader," Richmond, Va. newspaper.
The following are from "The News Leader," Richmond, Va., Thursday Afternoon,
December 12, 1912 issue, page 2.
"Dear Santa Claus--I am a little boy seven years old. My father is dead. I
want you to bring me a drum and a horn and a little ice wagon.
Your little boy,
26 South Pine street."
"Dear Santa Claus--I want you to bring me a horn,a game and a story book to read, a few nuts and some candy. I am ten years old and my father is dead.
Your little boy,
26 South Pine street."
"Dear Old Santa--Please bring me a pair of gloves, a stocking cap and some games. I'm not asking for much this Xmas. For mama says if I do you won't love me. Bye-bye,
600 North Thirty-five street."
"Dear Santa--Please bring me some nice toys and candys, I don't know of any particular thing to ask for. But Santa Dear anything you give me will be appreciated. I'm a little boy seven years old. So you know best what I
should have.
Little Earl,
No. 600 N. 31 St."
The following are from the newspaper's Thursday Afternoon, December 12, 1912
issue, page 2.
"Dear Santa Claus--Please don't forget me this Christmas. I will thank you
and be satisfied with anything you can spare me, but I would like a teddy
bear and some candy and nuts, and don't forget my sister Alice. She is 14
years old and works every day to help mama get along so don't forget to bring her some nice things two.
Your little girl,
517 Spring St."
"Dear Santa Claus--I am a little girl 12 years old and go to school every day please bring me something nice and don't forget my sister Alice. She has to work so hard to help mama our papa is dead. We will appreciate anything you have to spare.
Your little girl,
517 Spring St."
"Dear Santa Claus--I am a very little boy I don't remeber what you brought me last Chirstmas I was so little but thank you for it any way please bring me a dog and some nice things that wont break and I will try to be good.
Your baby boy,
517 Spring St."
"Dear Santa--You was so very good to me last Christmas I won't ask you for much please bring me a horn and some nuts and anything else that you can spare a little boy like me and please Santa I would like a Slate to draw pictures I am Sick now but I may be well Christmas.
your little 4 year old boy,
517 Spring St."
"Dear Santaclus--"I am a little Girl 6 years old and would like to have a
prittie little Doll Christmas would be glad if you would bring me one of your own selection.
yours resp.
Castalia, Nash county, N. C."
The following are from "The News Leader," Richmond, Va., Friday Afternoon,
December 13, 1912 issue.
The first few from the front page:
"Dear Santa Claus--I wish to tell you what I want. Please give me a doll
carriage, I would also like very much to have a stove and a table. A set of
Tin dishes and also a Broom. I want some candies and nuts, and an orange and an apple. Give me a new Dress and a Pocket Book with some money in it.
Your old(?)friend,
1704 Venable St., City."
"Dear Santa Claus--I am a little girl 9 years old and go to school every day. Please bring me a doll baby and a story book. And please don't forget my little nephew Dan.
Your little girl,
344(?) Brooke avenue."
"Dear Santa Claus--I will write you a few lines to let you know what I want, although I expect a right sad Christmas,
(continues to page 19)
this year as I lost my mother about four months ago. I am not choice in what I want, I will be thankful of any thing you should bring me. I am only 5 years old. I will close, hoping you won't forget me.
I remain your little boy,
1523 West Marshall street,
"Dear Old Santa--I will drop you a few lines to let you know what I want
Xmas, although I don't expect much this year as my mamma died this summer. I was expecting a big doll, but I will be thankful of any thing you choose to bring us. Don'tt forget to bring us some candy and nuts.
I remain,
Your little girl, 8 years old,
1523 West Marsahll street."
"Dear Santa Claus--I wish you would please bring me a horn, wagon and soem candy and nuts.
1527 West Marshall street."
"Dear Santa Claus--I wish you would please bring me a horn, some candy and nuts and a Wealbair.
1527 West Marshall street."
"Dear Santa Clause--I wish you would bring me a doll and a carriage and some candy and nuts.
1527 West Marshall street."
"Dear Santa Claus--I wish you would please bring me a horn and a harp and some candy and nuts.
1525 West Marshall street."